This is something I do on a regular basis and I find it more and more baffling each time it comes to buying a new one. There are so many brands out there and so many different types of self-tan!
Over the last couple of months (to allow time in between tans to return to my initial skin colour) I trialled 5 different tans; 2 mousses, 1 oil and 2 lotions/creams:
Bondi Sands Liquid Gold Dry Oil - £14.99 for150ml (£9.99 per 100ml)
Bondi Sands Dark Lotion - £14.99 for 200ml (£7.50 per 100ml) Available in Ultra Dark too.
Skinny Tan Wonder Serum - £14.99 for 50ml (*£29.98 per 100ml*)
LA Tanning Medium Mousse - £17.99 for 200ml (£9 per 100ml) Light and Dark shades also available.
Cocoa Brown 1 Hour Dark Mousse - £7.99 for 150ml (£5.33 per 100ml) Also comes in Original, Extra Dark and Ultra Dark shades.
*You can get Skinny Tan Wonder Serum in 145ml size at £29.99 (£20.68 per 100ml) This is still the most expensive from my selection but better value than the travel size version.
Here is a video of the application of all of the tans. After each tan I have added a photo from before application and one after a shower the following day, that way you can see the difference.
You can see how the tan looks immediately after application as each video progresses. All photos were taken in front of my dressing table and the lights were very bright which didn’t really do the colour change justice, all of the tans were darker and more noticeable in regular light.

- If you have time to tan in preparation a couple of nights before an event I would go for Bondi Sands Lotion because of the colour and development.
- If you tan on a regular basis I would go for Bondi Sands Dry Oil (Skinny Tan’s Oil is also good) because it feels nice on application and you can build up colour easily without it coming off on clothes.
- If you are last minute and need a dark colour I would go for Cocoa Brown Mousse but be very careful on your face, knees, ankles, wrists and fingers etc. I would literally use what is left on the tanning mitt after everything else is done and only lightly rub over these areas.
- Exfoliate the skin on a regular basis (I use shower scrubbing gloves with soap in the shower)
- Moisturise all 'wrinkly' areas before application to avoid tan gathering (ankles, knees, elbows & knuckles) but don't moisturise anywhere else
- Use what is left on your mitt for the above areas and your face
- Apply small amounts and build up