One things for sure after my first visit to Leeds Golf Centre...I can’t wait to go back! I have to admit I haven’t found it easy to play a lot of Golf recently due to it being so cold, but this Leadbetter Academy takes weather out of the equation. Reflecting on winter Golf I’ve realised this is actually the perfect time to work on my swing, no matches or pressure, just quality, indoor practice and technique analysis. It is worth noting for all weather golfers though, that so far this year their course has only been closed once!

I had a lesson with the Golf Pro Ellie Robinson and she used Trackman technology to take a look at the fundamentals of my swing and make sure that I’m getting the basics right. Ellie was obviously able to spot things by eye but as well as using drills, hands on movement assistance and demonstration she helped me understand the key points in this lesson with the Trackman video footage.
I did wonder if this level of technology would be able to help a beginner like me or if the amount of information and in depth data might cause me to focus on too much. However, Ellie is a fab coach and I was immediately impressed with how swiftly my swing improved with just the right amount of feedback to process from her alongside the Trackman analysis of each swing. Each shot is recorded automatically and from different angles.

My grip needed a slight tweak to allow my wrists to bend in the backswing which in turn meant I could keep my left arm straight (something I have always done but have never known how to correct). I then worked on making sure I didn’t over swing, again so my left arm didn’t bend. Trackman technology could then compare my start and finishing swings and I could watch them side by side. Even with just this small adjustment the change in my swing was massive and I finished with a stronger swing which has less room for error!

I still have work to do but in the photos above, you can see the left/after capture is better than the photo on the right/before shot from earlier on in the lesson. My left arm is straighter, thumbs are more to the sky and because my wrists have bent more my body hasn’t had to rotate as much to generate power.
The driving range also has the Top Tracer technology in each bay so even when you’re not having a lesson you can still have targets via the games and analysis of ball flight.

I can’t wait to play here in the summer too. Alongside the golf course there's a par 3 course, perfect if you want a quick round, something different or practice your short game. There are also practice areas for chipping and putting for a thorough warm up or to simply spend time refining different shots.

What’s even more special about this place is that as soon as you walk in, you get a warm and welcoming feeling. Any player at any stage in their golfing journey would be encouraged to make the most of their time here and I love that! The golf shop has a nice selection of women’s golf attire too and I was introduced to the Swedish brand Rohnisch for the first time, seriously recommend checking them out, especially if you like stylish pieces or full on matching sets.
If you want to find out more checkout their website but I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. All that's left for me to sample is the food and drink so I’ll look forward to that next time :)